Gain Visibility with Corporate Executives

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Maintaining top-of-mind status with key stakeholders in your organization while working remotely is tough to begin with, never mind trying to do it during a pandemic. No in-person meetings, business events or networking opportunities can be a complete derailer for your personal brand unless you take the time to create a strategic visibility plan like one of my long-term clients did. She is more visible in her company and industry now than she was pre-pandemic. And she did it while moving to an office in another state where no one knew her very well.

Prior to her move, we created a plan to quickly establish her personal brand and industry expertise in the new office through in-person meetings, local events, networking opportunities, speaking engagements, and joining professional organizations. Just as she was gaining traction in the new office, Covid hit and we had to pivot.

We strategized several ways for her to still gain visibility quickly which required her to step way out of her comfort zone and do things she had never done before. Once she began stepping out, more and more opportunities began flowing her way. She is more visible now than before the pandemic and has become the “go-to” person for the specific expertise for which she wanted to be known.

Our initial engagement began in 2019 and focused on preparing and positioning my client for a new opportunity in her organization.

Once we clarified her key goals during our initial strategy kick-off session, we began working on building her foundations for success.

We evaluated how she was spending her time and what could be eliminated from her schedule immediately. She has learned to plan her time to her key priorities and remove the non-value activities from her calendar. I challenged her just last week to revisit her schedule and delegate or delete even more activities. If she wants to get promoted she needs to focus on what matters most.

We discussed her self-care plan and ways she could maintain a workout schedule and healthy meal plan to ensure she had the energy to be her best self in all areas of her life. A well-planned and consistent morning routine sets you up for success.

We reviewed her professional wardrobe as she was stepping into a higher-level role and wanted to create a more commanding presence.

We worked on honing her presentation skills so her content is delivered with impact and effectively engages her audience.

We created an accountability plan that helped her stay focused and enabled her to deliver big results. She has maintained this practice. It’s been a huge game-changer for her.

We continue to focus on strategies that help her maintain a strong and supportive mindset void of self-sabotage.

And of course, consistently maintaining the daily habits that deliver key results.

Habits determine your future!

Remaining visible while working remotely is up to you. There are several strategies that you can employ but it’s up to you to actually do them and do them consistently. Senior management needs to see AND hear you. What do you need to do to uplevel your visibility and personal brand?

Here are three strategies to begin the process:

  1. Create a commanding presence on video. It’s been a year since the pandemic hit. It’s time to get out of comfy clothes and look polished. Enhance your zoom set up and watch your posture, body language, and facial expressions. How you present yourself speaks volumes about you and how you value others.

  2. Meet with your manager once a month or your manager’s boss once a quarter. Provide updates on how you have gone above and beyond. Share new ways the company can improve their processes, save money, help others be more productive. Use this opportunity to ask for guidance on what skills or behaviors you need to enhance.

  3. Build relationships across your organization. Who do you admire? Reach out to them and tell them. Establish key allies that will support your advancement. It’s up to you to cultivate these relationships. Success is not a one-person job.

And finally…

What will you do with what you know and who can help you?

Accountability is key.

Isabel Kateman

Isabel Kateman is a Squarespace web designer and brand strategist. She loves chai lattes and cozy sweaters, is passionate about rescue dogs, and is currently trying to curb her purse obsession.

Define Your Personal brand


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